Through numerous design and furnishing meetings, we work together to curate your soon to be refined home. We know design inspiration can seem never-ending, so we urge you to show us your inspiration. Send us your Pinterest screenshots, your mood boards, the photos you took on your neighborhood walk. We want to make sure your home is more than you’ve ever dreamed of, and that is why you are paired with a highly skilled design team to also bring forth designs you may not have ever considered. We treat these design meetings as sounding boards where we bounce ideas off each other. You will be able to visibly see and touch samples, helping you bring the design process to light. 

looking for a fresh start?

Each project begins with a conceptual design which charts our course - defining the project's scope, providing the inspiration for its style, and outlining the budget for the build phase. In this initial phase, we want to explore the range of possibilities, and push through boundaries (and some virtual walls). Our creative impulses are frequently met with the most gratifying outcome. We are seeking the design that creates interest and excitement, where everything effortlessly falls into place. The selected design is showcased in graphic detail with floor layouts and elevations, room renderings, inspiration design boards; all of which are included in our build contract for a clear understanding of our scope.

Find out more about what it’s like to work with us.

more refined inspiration